Hemp is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant containing popular cannabinoids like THC and CBD. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the psychoactive compound responsible for the intoxicating effects associated with marijuana. According to the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp may only contain a low THC content, typically 0.3% or less by dry weight. Unlike hemp, marijuana, another Cannabis sativa variant, has high concentrations of THC, usually more than 25% depending on the strain.
Marijuana and hemp look similar and have medicinal uses. However, hemp is a versatile plant with several industrial applications, so it is sometimes called industrial hemp. Hemp fiber is commonly used in paper, textile, and construction industries. Other parts of hemp, such as hemp seeds, plants, and flowers, may be processed into food and skincare products. Other hemp parts and common hemp-derived products include the following:
Yes, hemp is legal in Delaware. It is considered a valuable agricultural resource under Delaware Code Title 3. In 2014, the US Congress passed the 2014 Farm Bill (Agricultural Act of 2014), permitting states to set up pilot programs regulating the production of hemp for research purposes. The 2014 Farm Bill also distinguished between hemp and marijuana by defining hemp as a cannabis plant containing no more than 0.3% THC.
Hemp became legal in Delaware after the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill. The measure removed hemp from the DEA's controlled substance list and allowed states, including Delaware, to create regulations for hemp cultivation. To align with the two federal hemp laws, Delaware Governor approved House Bill 385 in 2014 and Senate Bill 266 in 2018. The bills allowed residents to possess, purchase, use, and transport hemp within and outside the state. In 2019, the Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) created regulations for commercial hemp cultivators, processors, and handlers. Before cultivating or processing hemp, interested persons must register under the DDA's Domestic Hemp Production Program.
All hemp-derived products with no more than 0.3% THC are legal in Delaware. However, hemp-derived THC isomers such as Delta-8 and Delta-10 are still illegal in the state. Residents may cultivate or process hemp into foods and edibles provided they have relevant licenses from the Department of Agriculture.
Delaware does not prohibit the possession or consumption of smokable hemp flowers. However, smoking hemp in public in Delaware is unlawful. Although hemp does not produce psychoactive effects, motorists are prohibited from smoking hemp flowers while operating their vehicles.
No. Hemp cultivation and processing are legal under state and federal laws. As a result, no municipality in Delaware cannot restrict hemp cultivation. However, they can create zoning ordinances to designate specific areas for hemp cultivation.
The Delaware Department of Agriculture issues grower, processor, and handler licenses to interested entities or individuals. Generally, individual applicants must be 18 years or older and not have a felony conviction related to controlled substances.
Grower's License
Delaware farmers interested in cultivating and distributing hemp can apply for growers' licenses using the following steps.
Complete the DDA Hemp Producer Application
Request for FBI Criminal History Report online. When applying online, search for the 'Mailing Address' section and include the following address.
Delaware Department of Agriculture
Attn: Hemp Program
2320 South DuPont Highway
Dover, DE 19901
After completing the request, applicants will receive FBI confirmation emails which must be submitted along with other forms
Complete the Growing Site Registration forms for Outdoor or Indoor hemp cultivation. Also, include maps showing the GPS coordinates of the grow sites
Indicate an Authorized Representative under the Producer Application. Note that authorized representatives must also request their criminal history report from the FBI
Submit all the necessary documents between November 1 to February 1 via mail to or in person at:
Delaware Department of Agriculture
Attn: Hemp Program
2320 South DuPont Highway
Dover, DE 19901
Processor's License
To convert raw hemp into consumable products in Delaware, hemp growers and other interested parties may apply for the processor's license by following the steps below:
Handler's License
This is for business entities or individuals transporting or storing hemp and other hemp-derived products. Interested persons must complete and submit the Hemp Handler Application to the DDA mail address to apply. Applicants must also request their criminal history report from the FBI.
The DDA usually reviews all application documents before issuing a provisional license number to applicants. Applications may be revoked if applicants' criminal history report reveals felony convictions.
The costs of obtaining hemp grower, processor, or handler licenses in Delaware are listed below:
Application fees are valid for three years, while facility or grow site registration fees are only valid for one year. Money orders or checks for these fees must be attached to the application forms during submission.
Hemp growers in Delaware can start cultivation after obtaining the DDA's license. Before planting, licensed hemp farmers must obtain high-quality hemp seeds or clones from reputable sources. Ensure the seeds or clones are derived from certified hemp cultivars that comply with DDA's seed certification requirements. Once the hemp seeds are available, hemp farmers can start the site preparation process, which typically involves soil testing, land clearing, tilling, and soil amendment if necessary.
Licensed hemp growers in Delaware should consider the following conditions necessary for hemp plants to thrive:
Generally, hemp seeds begin to sprout after five to seven days but mature fully after three to four months. Before the expected harvest, hemp farmers in Delaware must complete and submit the Hemp Sampling Request Form to the DDA. The DDA often collects samples to test the hemp plant's THC concentration before allowing farmers to harvest them.
Smokable hemp flower is legal in Delaware and can be purchased at local stores and from online retailers. Some online retailers outside Delaware can deliver hemp flowers and other hemp-derived products to buyers, provided such products contain no more than 0.3% THC. There are no restrictions on the amount of hemp flowers that residents can buy. Nevertheless, some stores may not sell hemp flowers to persons under 18 years.
Hemp and THC are related terms that refer to different aspects of the cannabis plant. Hemp is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species, while THC is a psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant.
Generally, hemp products contain trace amounts of THC and do not produce high sensations when consumed. Such products are legal for production and consumption in Delaware.
Hemp and CBD (cannabidiol) are not the same. Typically extracted from hemp flowers in high concentrations, CBD does not produce psychoactive effects when consumed as oils, edibles, or capsules. Hemp, on the other hand, is a cannabis plant that has other applications apart from therapeutic uses. In Delaware, hemp-derived CBD products are legal for residents.
Hemp's versatile nature offers a plethora of uses in other sectors apart from the healthcare industry. Here are some major hemp applications in Delaware: