Delaware Active Medical Marijuana Patients in 2024

Delaware Active Medical Marijuana Patients - 2024

The data provided showcases a significant increase in the number of medical marijuana patients in Delaware from 2013 to 2019, with patient counts rising from 36 to 11,173. This exponential growth possibly indicates a rising acceptance of medical marijuana within the state. Throughout the years, the majority of patients consistently reside in New Castle County, generally accounting for over 65% of the total patient population. Kent County typically hosts the fewest patients, while Sussex County shows a notable increase in its share from 24% in 2013 to 25% in 2018, slightly declining to 21% in 2019. This distribution suggests a concentration of medical marijuana usage in New Castle County but also highlights a growing acceptance in Sussex County over the years.

Year Total Patients New Castle County (%) Kent County (%) Sussex County (%)
2013 36 65% 11% 24%
2014 73 66% 14% 20%
2015 569 65% 55% 20%
2016 1,407 67% 16% 18%
2017 3,261 66% 14% 20%
2018 6,037 58% 17% 25%
2019 11,173 66% 13% 21%

Source: Delaware Health and Social Services